customer testimonial

Data Visualisation
for healthcare establishments

Thomas LEROY, Sales Director
shares his experience

Founded in 2002, Elap is the specialist in management control and steering dedicated to healthcare establishments. Acquired by the Médiane group in 2016, the company focuses its activities on publishing its medico-economic management software package, AxègeSanté. 

Faced with the exponential amount of data generated in the hospital environment, but also the lack of specialist BI solutions on the market, the company turned to DigDash to implement a dashboard solution tailored to its sector.

Thomas LEROY, Elap's Sales Director, talks about the development and deployment of this application in healthcare establishments.

DigDash excels in the study nº 1 on Business Intelligence

Like every year, BARC presents its latest edition of the Business Intelligence & Analytics Survey 2024, which has become a benchmark in the BI world.

The results of the BI & Analytics Survey underline this: DigDash is on a par with the major international vendors in the sector, and is winning over decision-makers.

89% of customers surveyed said they were satisfied with DigDash Enterprise, impressed not only by the tool’s performance, but also by its many features

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